Top 3 Mental Health & Wellbeing Tips
With all the change and uncertainty in life that this pandemic has created, taking care of your mental health has never been more important. For months, many people have been working from home, home schooling and living in an isolated world, affecting nearly every aspect of their lives. During these challenging times your mental and physical health needs a bit of support. Below are three top things we’ve learnt at Infinity Nation about keeping your mental happiness in check:
1. Get Planning
Many people continue to work from home, so it’s easy to work longer hours and take fewer breaks. Plan and put time in the diary to get some fresh air and go for short walks. This refocuses the mind and allows you to be more productive. Plan when to finish your working day and stick to it, you need to distinguish between home and work.
2. Get Moving
Keeping active is an essential task to fit into our daily lives. Not only will it help us keep a positive mind, but it will help to reduce stress. At Infinity nation we set challenges each month, some of which include the highest number of workouts and 10,000 steps per day for a whole month. Adding an element of competition to the challenges spices things up.
3. Get Talking
Mental health has become prevalent throughout the pandemic and society is better at responding to people’s mental health needs. However, the Stigma of mental health and seeking help remains. The simple act of talking to someone can make a massive difference in how you feel. It can also be the first step towards getting and staying well.
With all the change and uncertainty, it’s vital that we take care of our physical and emotional health. Sticking to some simple rules can really make a massive impact on boosting your mood and staying healthy.
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