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Personalisation doesn’t stop at ‘Hi Paul!’

One of the biggest things to be adopted in recent times is personalisation in email content. We’ve seen it mainly in the text of emails but it can be used across all aspects of the email itself.

28th Nov 2017
Al Keck Founder/CEO 28th November 2017

Personalisation doesn’t stop at ‘Hi Paul!’

One of the biggest things to be adopted in recent times is personalisation in email content. We’ve seen it mainly in the text of emails but it can be used across all aspects of the email itself, from the subject line to content that is to be included in the email. The content can be anything from simple examples such as using a customer’s name in emails, to more advanced techniques such as sending an email filled with specific products based around what customers have been searching for on your e-commerce store.

Personalisation doesn’t just have to end at using the customer’s first name at the start of the email; instead it can be used across a much wider range of scenarios than you may have imagined. From fairly basic fields such as gender, age and interests, to more advanced scenarios such as geographical locations and even the weather in that particular geographical location, transactional data from past purchases and behavioural data, personalisation is here to stay and will only improve and become more targeted towards the customer as more companies take it up.

Plus we’ve seen some impressive stats when companies start using personalisation – 29% higher unique open rates, 41% higher unique click through rates, and 26% higher conversion rates just from a personalised subject line. 86% of travellers are reported to value personalised offers more than non-personalised offers, to give an example from one industry.

Only 39% of online retailers send out personalised product recommendations, and as carefully segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue according to a recent study, it is likely that you are missing out by not incorporating personalisation in your emails. As we’ve shown above, personalisation can take on many aspects throughout the email, so it is best to test to see what works and what doesn’t work for your customer database.

We hope you found these examples useful and can put them into practice with your email marketing campaigns. If you have any questions about how to implement personalisation in your email marketing, or are struggling to implement it, then we’d love to hear from you. Drop us an email at or call 01793 238 697


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